VPN problems....

radetzky Posts: 16 Enthusiast
edited January 21 in Privacy VPN

For what concerns myself nothing is changed notwhistanding Your declaration of solved problem dtd Jan,15th

Still very very slow with VPN ON and also disconnections with both Edge & Firefox

I normaly use either Vienna or Zurich VPN servers

Why You have closed every discussion about the matter wirh the problem still actual ???? 😡

Never had any problem before in 10 years with FSecure but this unresolved security problem is very serious !

Accepted Answer

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser
    Answer ✓


    I'll just say my opinion (also as a user).

    Perhaps your situation was somehow overlooked, since maybe the problem itself looks like the one that was known (the so-called impact of certain implementation of tls 1.3 in browsers). Or there was not enough additional, supporting information about your situation.

    Although it would still be nice to make sure that all possible updates and the installed version of applications are the latest. Maybe the fixes were also related to the need to receive them.

    For example, This KB article explains the need of updating VPN-related apps to the supported ones. For example, for Windows platform - it is F-Secure TOTAL 19.4 (or newer) or VPN/Freedome (or newer). As I can see it. This article assumes that older versions will simply stop working. However, this KB article most likely does not assume that the minimum versions listed will function without problems. Perhaps the most recent ones are required for the stated problem-free situation. So, I think that at the moment - this is 19.8 for F-Secure Total Windows platform (with build-in VPN) as an example.

    What is your current version? I mean, version of installed F-Secure solution (steps to find out). And maybe what is your operating system, device; Or all of the devices are affected in your network setup.

    About closed topics - I think they did it so that all fresh problems would be focused on themselves. To isolate them from the already "past" problem. And maybe also somehow minimize their number. Don't keep ten topics about the same problem, but discuss one (one type) problem in one thread.

    Thanks! I decided to simply write down my feelings at that moment until official representatives respond to you and begin studying your situation (and again - maybe you will have time to provide some details that they would probably need to know anyway; such as the version of applications, the system, and so on).


  • radetzky
    radetzky Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    Hy Ukko, thanks for Your answer.

    I have latest version of all softwares (19,8 FSecure) on Windows10 professional always updated and Firefox last update.

    It is strange because last Friday when I wrote the message I had same problems as before i.e. very late answering while surfing Internet and repeated disconnections.

    Today, at the moment, looks fine…

    Will see….