Melding F-Secur bij inloggen alles van Ziggo en F- Secure

Vreemd icoontje verschijnt plotseling naast mijn mailadress en wachtwoord bij het inloggen:
De browserextensie voor de wachtwoordbeheerder van F-Secure is nog niet geconfigureerd.
Bij mijn 2desktops en 2 laptops zit Safe online van ziggo erop en de browserextensies van microsoft edge en chrome zijn geinstalleerd. Meestal kan ik desondanks inloggen, maar soms verschijnt fout 403! Ziggo kan mij niet helpen, ze hebben mij na F-Secure verwezen. Hoe kan dat verholpen worden? Ik ken helaas alleen maar de basisbegrepen van Internet (76 jaar) en weet ook niet aan wie ik mij bij F-Secure kan wenden.
Screenshot has been removed due to containing personal information.
Ik hoop dat iemand hier kan helpen. Ik vind het heel moeilijk om bij F-Secure een aanspreekpunt te vinden.
Accepted Answer
Goedemorgen @IngridM
We welcome you to our forum and thank you for your comment.
Actually, in this forum we conduct communication in Finnish and English. If this is a challenge then you are welcome to use one of the internet translators.
I also wanted to clarify that due to the fact that the screenshot you attached showed your email address, it has been removed.
The information that is displayed when you click on the icon in the email address entry field is about the extension for autofill of passwords. The extension has been installed in your browser but has not yet been activated. To do so, in the Password Vault in F-Secure, copy the code from the Autofill section and then paste it into the appropriate place after clicking on the extension in the browser.
You'll be able to read more about this in the article on the subject at this link: Setting up autofill to access your online services faster | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides
On this page you can choose the language in which you are most comfortable communicating.
I hope you find this information helpful.
Best regards.
Hello @IngridM
I'm glad you were able to get auto-fill working in the Chrome browser.
If the Microsoft Edge browser displays a message about invalid code then this indicates that you need to upgrade Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable to the latest version.
Below I give you the steps on how this can be done:
- Go to Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads | Microsoft Learn
- Download the X64 version of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
- Install the update by running the downloaded file VC_redist.x64.exe
- After completing then installation, you may be prompted to restart the computer
I hope you find this information helpful.
Best regards.