Antivirus database not updating anymore

So after a recent update, it seems that the updater is broken.
F-Secure Version 19.3 (52927)
MacOS 14.1 Beta
Accepted Answer
The hotfix was released on November 1. But one important thing to mention is that the hotfix targeted a specific issue which was caused by macOS Sonoma 14.1 update. it prevented updates getting taken into use after download from F-Secure update servers.
If the product reports connectivity issues, it's 99.9% different issue/situation.
Come to think of it, I recall seeing a thread earlier today with similar customer reports on Windows with missing Capricorn updates. The latest state of that discussion is that customers started getting updates after F-Secure internal team which maintains update servers resolved a hiccup with updates getting filled up in a queue and not becoming available for customers.
There is a chance that some of the reports in this thread are caused by the same issue.
Let's monitor for a few days and resume the discussion if issues can still be observed.
Best regards, Arthur
F-Secure Technology, Mac Team
Thank you for your post and for bringing this problem to our attention.
Please write if restarting the computer brings any changes or the messages remain the same?
Hello @JelleJanssens
Could you please try restarting your Mac and checking if the issue still persists? If it does, you might consider uninstalling the app and then reinstalling it. You can find step-by-step instructions on how to do this in the link provided below:
- Uninstalling the product | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides
- Installing the product on your computer | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides
If you need any further assistance or have more questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Thank you, and have a wonderful day.
Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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reporting the same issue on Macbook, running Macos 14.1.1
Database won't update at all, when trying to manually update I get the error notification:
"Update check failed - There was a problem checking for updates. Check your connection and try again."
Tried the usual obvious stuff like a different connection, turning VPN off and on, restarting computer. None of that works.
No other changes to computer or settings, but the OS update and having someone else with the same set up indicates there's some issue with the most recent updates for MacOS..
I've uninstalled and re-installed and the thing is the initial update seems to work and fix the issue but the issue comes back on the same day after installation. So it seems to be this is a more widespread issue where the usual fixes don't work.
Would appreciate if you're able to escalate this to the team for awareness. It's a massive pain to re-install the whole program just to update the database one time.
"I've uninstalled and re-installed and the thing is the initial update seems to work and fix the issue but the issue comes back on the same day after installation. So it seems to be this is a more widespread issue where the usual fixes don't work."
Exactly the same issue here, databases not updating.
macOS 14.1.1, F-Secure 19.3 (52927)
Adding @ArthurVal
Hi, @JelleJanssens!
Could I please ask you to run Support Tool app which can be found in the same folder where the F-Secure app is located inside Applications folder and share the resulted file with us? It's best not to share it publicly in the thread here but sent separately in private messages. I'll send you a message.
I think it's best we could take a look at diagnostics from the affected system to check the issue a bit more closely. We did release a hotfix which should resolve the issue. So my main suspicion here is that this hotfix has not been installed on that system which might explain the issue still can be observed.
But that we should be able to see from the diagnostics file.
Best regards, Arthur
F-Secure Technology, Mac Team
Hi @ArthurVal,
When was this hotfix released?
The problem as @ilkkatuomas describes is still there and reproduceable, tested again this morning.
Install F-Secure -> successful initial update -> some successful database updates -> then it stops working: "Update check failed - There was a problem checking for updates. Check your connection and try again".
Thanks for this update @ArthurVal.
Tested again, now multiple successful database updates, no errors.
Makes sense if it was an issue on the update servers. As you say, let's monitor this the upcoming days.