What is the purpose of the Privacy-VPN ?

Now we have the Privacy-VPN in fs protection.

What is the idea?

Do we need to enable this all the time, even on trusted networks (example when at home)?

There is a slight performance impact.

Or do we only enable this on untrusted networks?

Accepted Answer

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 754 F-Secure Product Expert
    Answer ✓


    It works like any normal VPN. If you want to hide your identity you can turn it on, but there is no need to keep it on all the time. We will release soon an update to Windows beta that makes the off state more neutral (gray instead of yellow) so it's clearer that there is no to keep it on all the time.

    If you keep VPN on, there is the additional tracking protection, but it might cause trouble when accessing some services which don't like VPNs.


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
