Please,Please add a built in firewall for Macintosh and PC versions.

Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

Please add a comprehensive firewall for BOTH the PC and the Macintosh versions. Where you can adjust multiple  rules and look at patterns of connection tivity. I know this is a lot to ask for in a newly developed feature but it could have these settings which would be advanced. Then it would have simple that would make decisions for you. This really is necessary because if the virus can not get in the first place then it is half the battle.


  • FSafe_UserDW
    FSafe_UserDW Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    Good luck. Tons of F-Secure uses have requested a REAL firewall for F-Secure Safe for over 5 years. It has never happened. So sad, when the competitors include real firewalls at the same or lower prices!

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    Tons of F-Secure uses have requested a REAL firewall for F-Secure Safe for over 5 years. It has never happened. So sad, when the competitors include real firewalls

    As my very own understanding: F-Secure has moved from "its own" to using the capabilities built into the system. In particular, probably for compatibility. And due to the absence of the need to configure everything for the user on his own, or make up pre-compiled "profiles" for him (which will not so often satisfy all). When there was a "own" firewall, even on the pages of this Community there were quite frequent "questions" or "complaints" regarding the firewall (and this is not about quality, but to the very fact of the need for interaction, or the possibility of something wrong to configure by user). Perhaps, for Home Users - mostly - this is too dreary task.  But I saw that Business Users also found a lot of benefit or sense in switching to using built-in Windows.

    Anyway, how is a REAL firewall different from, for example, Windows Firewall?

    // And I do not mean that "own" firewall is bad or unnecessary. It is likely that F-Secure will do something like this again someday. My opinion is that this is not the most (possibly) necessary in the current form. Or an unclear set of requirements (or, at least, what could not be done now - albeit with a larger number of steps, using system capabilities).