When, if ever, are the country specific Freedome servers changed?

Simon7 Posts: 13 New Member

I noticed there are quite a few recent threads about people no longer being able to view foreign tv streams via Freedome. As this happened to me as well since a couple of days ago, I'm wondering if the Freedome servers (ip addresses) are ever changed to make geoblocking more difficult for the service providers? I guess they just detect the vpn ip and block traffic there.

In my case various Spanish tv channels became unviewable since the other day (while using Madrid/Spain as the virtual location), e.g.

www.cuatro.com/en-directo , www.telecinco.es/endirecto , www.atresplayer.com

Also, I did try the fixes suggested in the other threads, such as flushing the dns, to no avail. =(


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