FS Protection PC 17.5 releases

Ville Posts: 754 F-Secure Product Expert

Release 17.5 beta 8 (4.00.5071):

Fixed Issues:

  • Product now showing events in Event history as expected


Edit: Sorry for the confusion. We decided to change the versioning scheme for fs protection Windows beta releases. We are dropping the running number (224) and switching to "major.minor beta build". This way it's easier for also you to track for which production release this is aimed for. Now you can tell that this is a beta build aimed for F-Secure SAFE 17.5 production release. When that is finalized, the beta build will be fs protection 17.6 beta 1.



F-Secure R&D, Desktop products



  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    I fyou do not mind me asking what is this?

    Is is Safe, TP or IS or something else and is it for Windows?

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    xorks as expected, eevents list is complete and accurate

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    OK, I've got it.

    This morning I had



    Now I have


  • Pria7x
    Pria7x Posts: 2 New Member
    Hello, can I use FS Protection on my main system?
  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 754 F-Secure Product Expert

    Hi @Pria7x


    FS Protection is beta quality. The support level compared to paid product is a bit different. Typically we only fix issues during working hours and not at all during weekends. Having said that, it has been very stable for a long time.


    Personally I use FS Protection on my work laptop and at home on my gaming rig.


    You have to decide if you want to accept these limitations on your main system.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Personally I have had no problems or issues with the support level.

    My concern was that if I used beta on a production PC or one for commercial use and ti starts doing an update when I need to complete something.

    However, recently the updates have been so smooth that it is not an issue.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    Release 17.5 beta 9 (4.00.5447):

    Thanks for the release!



    But does it normal that pumpkin nailed the window of Main UI to one size? Just because this pumpkin is an inedible pumpkin?

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    hello Ukko

    what do you mean with pumpkin ?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @yeoldfart wrote:

    hello Ukko

    what do you mean with pumpkin ?



    Vegetable, usually.

    But currently my system is under pressure of circumstances; and perhaps it is not related to vegetables.

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 754 F-Secure Product Expert

    Hi @Ukko


    We disabled resizing for main UI because it didn't bring much benefit and was causing rendering issues with certain controls. It was missing from release notes, sorry about that.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Faybert
    Faybert Posts: 1 New Member
    Updated and working perfectly well here, is it my impression or the response of the interface got faster? Mainly at the time of clicking the icon (opens quickly)
  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    My Windows messed itself again to a point where no recovery option did any good.

    Restored the two week old backup.

    FS TP upgraded again smoothly.

    Just gave notices

    No Virus Protection, then



  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 754 F-Secure Product Expert



    Sorry but we haven't done anything related to the speed of UI opening.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @Ville wrote:

    Hi @Ukko

    We disabled resizing for main UI because it didn't bring much benefit and was causing rendering issues with certain controls. It was missing from release notes, sorry about that.


    (F-Secure R&D)



    Thanks for explanation!


    Resizing for main UI was useful to me when I tried to use FS Protection under VM (under my laptop 15.6") as not full-sized VM window; In general, based on reasons which discussed (as example) there: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/F-S-IS-image-too-large-in-low/m-p/104668

     And sorry for one else ask (to anyone):

    Release 17.5 beta 9 (4.00.5447):
    New features:
    Confirmation dialogs for allowing websites or applications were changed to Windows native style

    Does it something about UAC type (as internal changes to something)? Or it is visible for users?


    I did not find where is "confirmation dialogs for allowing websites" or what is it (for except UAC).

    And I am not sure how to check it with applications (I do suspect that it is about ability to allow PUA?! or to restore from Quarantine?).

    And as another feedback (but I did not try to check it enough well; and my experience is only based on just one random situation):

    - does it possible that with current design of uninstallation: if there is already another installation/uninstallation (.msi) in work -> after try to launch FS Protection uninstallation (by "Uninstall"-button under related dialog) - there is no visible output that "another un/installation in process" as with common situations?



  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 754 F-Secure Product Expert

    Hi @Ukko


    Thanks for the feedback about resizing. We will definitely look into it again in future.


    The confirmation dialog changes were only about the dialog frame (how it looks). Functionality was not changed.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 754 F-Secure Product Expert

    Release 17.5 beta 10 (4.00.5589):

    New features:

    • Statistics about product are available in main user interface
    • Identity codes page was returned to common settings

    Fixed Issues:

    • Renew key dialog layout adjustments (PBL-4168)
    • Installation fails if username has spaces (CSBP-16483)


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Thanks for beauty release with statistics.

    decided to delete my reply.


  • Lord_Ami
    Lord_Ami Posts: 74 Active Engager

    Capricorn - new engine or still Bitdefender?


    Otherwise smooth upgrade - no issues.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Yeah stats on the main page is nice That is on the desktopversion, but not in Android

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

     Is that also in ULAV



  • Lord_Ami
    Lord_Ami Posts: 74 Active Engager

    @Villethat's cool to hear! Hope it boosts the protection even further.

    Seems it contains Avira databases (many files have Avira signature).

    I noticed that now the FS installation folder is ~400MB in size, as opposed to over 1 GB previously (with Bitdefender sigs). That's good!


    Maybe a bit lighter too, we'll see.

  • Palmeiras
    Palmeiras Posts: 1 New Member
    Wow! When will F-Secure Safe rely on this new engine? For what I understand it is only in beta version, correct?
  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 754 F-Secure Product Expert

    Hi, @Palmeiras


    The change takes place gradually from early Q4/2018 onwards. We aim to be finished early in H1/2019.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Release 17.5 beta 11 (4.00.5794):

    New features:

    • Expiration date is now shown in local timezone. Note: There might be extra subscription updated flyer during the update.

    Removed features:

    • Statistics about product were removed because of the SAFE 17.5 release, statistics will be back on the following beta release.

    Fixed Issues:

    • Expiration date differs in notification and main UI (PBL-4244)
    • Uninstallation tool does not allow to install trial after trial (PBL-4240)
    • Disclaimer about Administrator Rights is not fully visible in Russian (PBL-4218, SAFE_BUG-02533)
    • Time Limits info wrong for legacy mode Family Rules when no limits (PBL-4206)
    • Wrong logo (PBL-4194, SAFE_BUG-02530)
    • Banking protection blocks active connections even setting "don't block/interrupt active connections" is switched on (PBL-4190)
    • Translated pages do not show ratings correctly (PBL-4176, SAFE_BUG-02525)
    • Browsing protection shows incorrect URL if equal sign is used as last character (PBL-4158)
    • Truncation in setup dialog (PBL-4149)
    • Website allow not actioned (PBL-4145)
    • Banking protection disconnecting Outlook (PBL-4130)
    • Special character not convert properly before added to allow/deny list (PBL-4126)
    • Inconsistent strings on welcome screen (PBL-4075)
    • Family Rules setup information incorrect (PBL-4010)
    • Inconsistent event history in multi-user scenario (PBL-3601)
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    My FS Protection TP215(?) is upgraded to fs protection 17.5 beta 11.

    I was not near laptop during upgrade - but sounds that it was smoothly.

    Previous recent events-list is cleared (?) and re-placed by freshly one.

    Websites exceptions (allow and deny list) are saved. And all looks OK with installation.

    just as feedback.

    Another feedback is about Capricorn (only my own feelings):

    -- no longer noticeable 'database-update' timeframes with performance impact;

    -- less size for 'signature'-files; in addition, more speedy installation (for updates and fs protection installation itself) and reduced network bandwidth(?);

    -- likely good detection rate around 99,99% (compared to previous Aquarius rate around 99,99999..%).

    But I think that detection rate is possible to claim as 95% against all threats. What is pretty good for Home Users (in my opinion) and pretty enough.

    Not sure about business environments (where too freshly and too speedy reaction is critical).

    -- I am not sure - but looks like that (first) scanning took more time than with Aquarius (with all tweaks like scan inside archives and all file-types). Re-scan is maybe more brief.

    Another feedback is about browsing. After some changes(?) and I am not sure that it is pinned to fs protection - time to time my browser's tabs are freezing and ?! some further impact. Does anyone with such experience about too (in case, if trouble is pinned to Capricorn or any other changes with fs protection)?



  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    did not notice the difference: smooth again

  • Release 17.5 beta 12 (4.00.6077):

    New features:

    • Added support for Korean language.

    Fixed Issues:

    • Product update may get stuck in a loop if Windows updates are being installed
    • Firewall settings dialog showing extra admin text (PBL-4328)
    • FS Protection for PC installation fails (PBL-4316)
    • Cannot copy file and path name in scan wizard (PBL-4311)
    • Truncation in installer language dropdown (PBL-4310)
    • "Turn on" is too fast (PBL-4308)
    • Shifting product does not happen automatically (PBL-4306)
    • SAFE PC installer disappears under the browser window (PBL-4305)
    • Malfunction after beta 11 update (PBL-4289)
    • Desktop logo created if installation fails (PBL-4278)
    • NetworkInstaller fails to run (PBL-4263)
    • fsfilecontrol.exe has version 11.0.999 and never updates? (PBL-4256)
    • Fullcomputer scan stuck in the middle (PBL-4251)
    • Allow web site button does not work with remote blacklist (PBL-4237)
    • Allow/deny list (aka white/blacklist) matching logic requires updating for corporate needs. (PBL-4015)
    • Inability to switch account from child to parent if child's account was deleted (PBL-3904)
  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    Thank you, achieved in a breeze

This discussion has been closed.