Does Rescue CD get updated time to time on FSecure Website??


Does Rescue CD get  updated time to time on FSecure Website?? 





  • Tarun
    Tarun Posts: 3 New Member

    I need to use rescue CD in offline system(not connected to internet).....Can I use Rescue CD??....And the definition of rescue CD get updated on the FSecure Website regularly??

    Please Reply.



  • Tarun
    Tarun Posts: 3 New Member


    I m not able to open ftp link in my mobile.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @Tarun wrote:


    I m not able to open ftp link in my mobile.

    But such .pdf-article not small and contain some different 'settings'.

    For example, there was topic with requirements for "Bootable USB":


    But with common situations (maybe which should enough for you ask):

    As example, possible to use "F-Secure Rescue CD" with USB-Drive:

    You can use the USB  drive to fix a computer that cannot download the Rescue CD updates because it  cannot connect to the Internet.
    You can download the Rescue CD updates to a USB drive using a healthy  computer that has an Internet access. The USB drive must be more than 1024  MB and less than 16 GB in size for the Rescue CD to recognize it. In addition,  the USB drive must have at least 400 MB of free space.
    Recommended method The Rescue CD can copy the database files  to an USB drive automatically, if you prepare the USB drive beforehand.
    Follow these instructions to copy the latest databases to the USB drive:
    1. Create a new directory called fsecure to the USB drive.
    2. Go to the fsecure directory and create a directory called rescuecd under the  fsecure directory.
    3. Start the Rescue CD while the USB drive is still connected to the computer.  When the Rescue CD starts, it finds the USB drive you have configured for  it.
    4. Select Next when the Rescue CD notifies you that the memory stick has  been found.
    5. The Rescue CD starts to download the latest databases.  The Rescue CD has finished downloading databases when the end-user  license agreement appears.
    6. The memory stick is ready and you can remove both the CD and the memory  stick.
    7. Insert the memory stick to the computer you want to fix and use the Rescue  CD to boot the computer.

     And kind of another option to add 'databases' to USB' (and requried to update with such steps before each launch RescueCD):

    Alternative method
    You can download and copy the latest databases to an USB drive manually.
    Follow these instructions to download the latest databases:
    1. On a healthy computer with Internet access, Insert an empty USB drive.
    2. Open with  your web browser.  Your web browser asks you what you want to do with the file in the web site.
    3. Choose to save the file to your computer.
    4. After the web browser has finished downloading the file, go to the directory  where you downloaded the file and copy it to the  USB drive.
    5. Insert this USB drive in the computer on which you want to use the Rescue  CD.
    6. Follow the basic instructions on how to use the Rescue CD.


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