Do we get something new before 2019?

Checked the What's new and the latest new thing was multicasting, which caused some issues, but is working now.


So my question is that, do we get some new feature before 2019 or what is going on in the development in general? It has been quite quiet around here.

Would like to hear what is the next new feature on the roadmap, so we have something to look forward to.


  • Hello 1sk,


    I forwarded your post to the SENSE team.

    There will be news coming about SENSE in a week's time and we will keep you posted about it.




  • FDU
    FDU Posts: 57 Explorer

    Indeed, this update is expected/welcomed and I also hope that it will solve the few important weaknesses already reported that impair the global security performance/reliability of Sense.

    1- poor/wrong logs that still report some device as connected to Sense while it is no longer the case or vice versa with wrong time.

    2- lack of logs for some blocked sites and blocking features seems not be always active for some long periods of time until/unless doing a full (time consuming) reset of Sense.

    3- no warning on device LEDs nor email notification of security any warnings without looking in the application which is also not possible from outside when not connected in the Sense LAN.


    PS: Another strange point is the fact that Freedome is very unstable and difficult to start at device wake up when going through Sense network (based in France), especially when using the French server but seems not/less the case when using other ones in particular Belgium one or even Japanese one.

    not clear for me whether it is more due to Sense or Freedome (app and/or server) set up...

    And, completely not related/separate issue, I cannot find how/where to temporarily desactivate/reset 2 FA for my f-secure account login as I need to move ASAP OTP to a new device.

  • Well I think I missed the news? Or where does F-Secure post them about sense?

    We got app security on androis but I actually thought that that was already implemented since it's the same old feature from Freedome.

  • Hi 1sk,


    This is a new campaign currently running for SENSE explained in the link below:



  • Good to hear, but that's not something new regarding Sense, that is just other software that F-Secure has now bundled to Sense due some reasons like slow development of the Sense's own software/other features.

  • Hi 1sk,


    I'm checking with the SENSE team for any new updates. 


    You can also see SENSE updates in this web page.

  • So new year passed.

    What are the plans for 2019, any roadmap things that you guys can share with us? @Laksh@TifaOng

  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 607 Forum Champion

    My guess for new features year 2019 is something new from "cyberwarsecurityfront" world-class security.




  • Well that's also old news and doesn't relate to sense's features.


  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 607 Forum Champion


    Well that's also old news and doesn't relate to sense's features.


    Fewer sense features(allready implemented in z-routers),more security intelligence via sense  sdk.. 

  • So no new features (or missing features) planned for 2019. Sound kind of weird and sad but okay.


  • D-Fens2
    D-Fens2 Posts: 78 Enthusiast

    what about the Freedome Integration for Sense?

    and there are no new events logged in the App, and that's only one bug

  • Well sense is nowdays extension to F-Secure total so maybe they wont integrate freedome to sense after all.

  • Hi D-Fens2,


    I'd appreciate if you can let us know the bugs you're facing by contacting our support team.

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