F-Secure SENSE Router for Android app cannot connect to SENSE Router when FREEDOME VPN is on Symptoms
As soon as you have upgraded your F-Secure SENSE Router for Android app to version 1.0.988, the app can no longer connect to the F-Secure SENSE Router when F-Secure FREEDOME VPN is on. When you turn off FREEDOME VPN, the app can connect to the SENSE Router without issues.
At present, we are investigating the issue.
If you run into this issue, add the SENSE Router app to the list of apps which are ignored by FREEDOME VPN:
- Open the FREEDOME VPN app.
- Go to Settings > Apps bypassing VPN.
- Tick SENSE Router to add the app to list of apps which are ignored by FREEDOME VPN.
Now F-Secure SENSE Router connects to the internet directly, ignoring FREEDOME's protection features.
Tip: If, instead of FREEDOME VPN, you are using some other mobile VPN client and experience the same type of issue, the solution given in this article may solve the problem.