What does Sense Cloud Security offer me?

aadmun Posts: 20 Explorer

One of the 3 layers of the Sense protection is Cloud Security. I don’t understand what it is offering me. An detailed  explanation is appreciated.


  • Cloud security is part of all security products today and it is necessary for the best and fast protection.

    Virus definitions are the old school version of the cloud and still somewhat needed.


  • aadmun
    aadmun Posts: 20 Explorer

    Hi Ukko,


    Thanks for your detailed explantion. So the Sense Cloud Security service collects user information to find threats. It is used by the Sense Router and Sense Apps as a backend service. No direct usage for me as a user.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,650 Superuser



    Probably there small difference between "Sense" and other "F-Secure solutions" (some of them);

    They able to use "F-Secure Security Cloud" as improving quality of their detection-rate; But also Security Cloud can be as "provider" of this quality.


    I able to understand main reason/design of Security Cloud as "F-Secure will share information with you" (where "knowledge"-source is not only user's information and if users "contribute" it as described under Privacy terms); 

    Security Cloud will be with result of their own "research", other common databases, statistics/information (safe and privacy) based on noted points.


    Generally - I able to think.. that there indeed missing "direct usage for you as a user" (as certain tool or something like that); But, for example, practically each layer of SENSE used by you directly;

    When there installed "F-Secure SENSE App for Windows (as example) -> and you have certain settings/options (I not sure - if SENSE app with this.. but it described as stable F-Secure IS) -> you able to open supported search engines. Type your query and get "Rating"-picture near the search results. With some limitations and additional "meanings";

    So - basically - there "Security Cloud" in use (maybe not directly by you - but you trigger that... and you "work" with result); You able to see if page "safe"-rated or "harmful"-rated;

    If there will be introduced Parental control -> certain "restricted" content or so;


    But.. just because.. I do not able to use F-Secure SENSE -> it was just my "suggestions".

    While SENSE can be with much more interesting "certain" and "specific" settings or options. So maybe - there possible to use "Security Cloud"-layer directly by user (as tool or something like that; but not as part of another two layers; OR one of three layers - which connected between each other). Generally -> I able to think that F-Secure SENSE with 'more layers' - but there meanings that this is "three main layers" of SENSE protection-design;


    Anyway -> probably today will be good and normal official response from F-Secure staff/teams.


    And yes... SENSE own page described it as your ask (and not as my "quoted" KB-article - where "Cloud Protection" as "F-Secure Security Cloud"):


    Cloud protection
    Our industry-leading security cloud monitors your network for threats in real time. 

    There was also blog's article about (not really "fresh" already): https://labsblog.f-secure.com/2015/11/13/security-cloud-white-paper-how-do-we-handle-customer-data/


    You able to re-check some articles under their F-Secure Labs blog (it can be partly with explanation abotu "their" Cloud-protection-design); F-Secure introduce "Ultralight"-design to their solutions (time to time described as "Cloud"-based engine);


    Sorry for my reply!



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