Bosch dishwasher with Home Connect does not work

Ozone Posts: 21 Enthusiast

I have successfully connected laptops, iPads and Android phones via the SENSE WLAN.  My Bosch dishwasher is however not able to access the Internet to connect the Home Connect cloud service. I successfully connected the dishwasher to the SENSE WLAN and it appears in the list of devices in the SENSE app, but it seems the dishwasher is not able to access Internet services. The SENSE app does not show that access has been blocked or that there are any issues.


The dishwasher is also be able to directly communicate over the WLAN with the Home Connect iPad/Android app (without traversing the Internet, local WLAN only). This does not work either, i.e. the Home Connect app is not able to find the dishwasher when both the iPad and dishwasher are connected to the SENSE WLAN. In my "normal" WLAN this works.


What could be causing the problems?


  • Ozone
    Ozone Posts: 21 Enthusiast

    After a few hours it started working. I now have the dishwasher connected via another WLAN AP that is connected to the LAN side of the SENSE. Initially it was not able to reach the Home Connect cloud service that way either, but the direct local LAN connection between my iPad and the dishwasher worked. Later the cloud connection started working as well.


    So I guess this issue is solved now. I will later try to connect the dishwasher directly to the SENSE WLAN and see if any problems occur again.

  • Hi Ozone,


    Thanks for the update. If you notice any issues, do keep us posted and we can highlight this to the product team.

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