Wifi, why two SSID ?

F6 Posts: 53 Enthusiast


with Sense I have two SSID (before I never used an "ac" Wifi hotspot, maybe it's normal)

I have a <mySSID> SSID (!!!) and another one <MySSID>_5GHz


Why this second one ?


  • Hi F6,


    Quoting @FS_Simo's reply here, SENSE provides two WIFI networks, one running on the 2.4 Ghz band and another at 5 GHz, the 5 GHz should provide a significantly faster connection.

  • evolun
    evolun Posts: 21 Explorer

    Why not both on the same SSID?

  • 1sknew
    1sknew Posts: 12 Observer

    Because if your device can see both 2.4 and 5, then it is easier to connect to the right one.

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