Support for Port Forwarding, Wifi Scheduling, Manually Assigned IP addresses on DHCP

Qilly Posts: 12 Observer

The Sense is coming out and I have ordered that one in 2015. So the world has changed ;-)

I'm wondering if I need to cancel my order or not.


Does the Sense support Port Forwarding so I can connect to my VPN Server?


Does the Sense support Wifi Scheduling so I can turn off Wifi during the night?


Can I manaully assign IP address via the DHCP server on the router or can I configure an external DHCP Server?


I'm also interested in the WAN-LAN passthrough when packet filtering is on. I have a 1 Gbits Fiber connection...


  • Hi Qilly,


    I am getting more information for your questions from the team. Once I have them, I will keep you posted.

  • Qilly
    Qilly Posts: 12 Observer

    Any news?

  • Hi Qilly,


    Sorry to keep you waiting. Here we got the answers to your questions:

    > Does the Sense support Port Forwarding so I can connect to my VPN Server?
    Yes, Port forwarding is supported.

    > Does the Sense support Wifi Scheduling so I can turn off Wifi during the night?
    No. SENSE is designed with the IoT and smart home devices in mind. That is, while your browsing or streaming will stop while you are sleeping your connected security camera or fire alarm might still need the wifi 24/7.

    > Can I manaully assign IP address via the DHCP server on the router or can I configure an external DHCP Server?
    These are not supported at the moment but the SENSE team is considering it for the future.

    > I'm also interested in the WAN-LAN passthrough when packet filtering is on. I have a 1 Gbits Fiber connection...
    This depends on many variables, like the number and type of connected devices used simultaneously, the type of the traffic (like browsing vs. downloads vs. streaming) etc.
    The SENSE throughput is dimensioned for the most common users in mind and it’s recommended for connection speeds up to 300 to 600 Mbits/s. The 1Gbit/s fiber connection is more on the high-end side. If you really use that throughput to its full extent then SENSE might become a bottleneck.

  • > Can I manaully assign IP address via the DHCP server on the router or can I configure an external DHCP Server?
    These are not supported at the moment but the SENSE team is considering it for the future.


    Does that mean that you cannot manually assign ip addresses with sense router?

    Or just that you cannot reserve ip addresses from dhcp pool?

  • Woeldhin
    Woeldhin Posts: 1 New Member

    > I'm also interested in the WAN-LAN passthrough when packet filtering is on. I have a 1 Gbits Fiber connection...
    This depends on many variables, like the number and type of connected devices used simultaneously, the type of the traffic (like browsing vs. downloads vs. streaming) etc.
    The SENSE throughput is dimensioned for the most common users in mind and it’s recommended for connection speeds up to 300Mbit/s. The 1Gbit/s fiber connection is more on the high-end side. If you really use that throughput to its full extent then SENSE might become a bottleneck.

    I too have a 1Gbit/s fiber connection.
    Do you have any estimate on how much Sense will bottleneck the badwidth on normal use on a wired connection.
    In addition how painless is it to disable the security features temporarily so I would be able to download for example a large game faster.

  • Hi @FormerMember,


    Regarding the DHCP question, you can use static addresses with SENSE, like with any other router. You just have to make sure that the address is outside of the dynamic DHCP range.

  • Qilly
    Qilly Posts: 12 Observer

    So I received the F-Secure Sense router and decided to give it a try.


    I must say it is quite nice even if WIFI scheduling and DHCP reservations are not possible.


    To solve the DHCP reservation gap I gave all my 'servers' a fixed IP address and started the DHCP pool from .100 till the end.


    The port forwarding works. You can choice the protocol, so TCP, UDP or TCP and UDP.


    I tested the router and ports with Shields Up from Gibson Research and that went well. 


    The throughput is less than I'm used to but I enabled all protections services. I went for downloading from average of 800 Mbps to 450 Mbps and for uploading from average of 850 Mbps to 650 Mbps.


    I also tested several malicious website using The router blocked 11 of 12 of these tests. My Internet Security on my PC did the last one.


    So the only thing really missing so fare is WIFI scheduling. I want my IoT and my WIFI to be asleap when I'm asleap. So now I'm disconnecting the power plug during night. The disadvantage is that my wired network is then also killed. So my servers cannot download updates and so during the night.


    So please add WIFI scheduling so we can sleep without a lot of WIFI activities in our house during the night!!

  • F6
    F6 Posts: 53 Enthusiast

    Hi ,


    The port forwarding works. You can choice the protocol, so TCP, UDP or TCP and UDP.

    How did you do that ?

  • Qilly
    Qilly Posts: 12 Observer

    In de iPhone App, choose More, Settings, Protection. At the bottom of the screen you see Firewall and Security, Port Forwarding.

  • F6
    F6 Posts: 53 Enthusiast

    Thank you.

    But on Android there's not at all firewall options: the screen is


    Protect devices (on/off switch)

    Tracking protection (on/off switch)

    Browsing protection (on/off switch)

    Identify device type (on/off switch)


    Nothing more.

  • Qilly
    Qilly Posts: 12 Observer



    Did you recently updated the app on Android?


    Otherwise find an IOS device ;-)

  • F6
    F6 Posts: 53 Enthusiast

    Never, IOS is evil :):):):):):)


    <Edit> And no Android app update available.

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