One Admin Phone, One Router Policy
I have liked my Sense router a lot. Even the change of Admin phone was quite bearable with guidance from F-Secure experts. However, I wonder if any attempts are under preparation to solve the one admine phone one router problem. So if I would like to buy Sense also to my country home I need another phone to manage it. Sense is a high quality appliance targeted mainly to middle class. Why is the various appartments / houses situation so hard to understand for F-Secure? Together with the quite useless Safe browser the inflexibility of Sense are the only downsides in a great family of security products.
Hi @JohnFi
SENSE app won't allow two different SENSE routers to be controlled by the same app/phone. Only one SENSE router/location per phone so you need a separate phone/tablet to control the other unit.
Depending on the demand, we may explore this capability also in the future, but currently we do not have any specific plan regarding this. In any case, we appreciate your feedback and may be considered as feature request.