Sense updates and features in the near future


What features are planned for Q1 and Q2 2018?

And especially what features are planned to be released prior or at one(1) year anniversary?


By anniversary I mean the pre-order shipping launch not the official release date, since the free 12 months of subscription started when pre-orderers plugged in the Sense. So if i remember correctly, it's somewhere in May-June 2018.


  • D-Fens2
    D-Fens2 Posts: 78 Enthusiast

    since they haven't even implemented basic features like guest wifi or a VPN, I see no Sense why I should even consider paying a subscription.


    right now I would recommed Amplifi in combination with Pi-Hole and maybe a VPN service

  • Well let's see what F-Secure Sense people answer.


    I checked my emails and my first Sense was delivered around 16.6.2017 and got the ready to ship soon email around 18.5.2017.

    But since I have had my Sense device replaced two times, my subscription ends in October 2018, so personally I am not in so much rush.

    I just asked these questions on behalf of us all who wonder about these things and are weighing if they should renew the subscription or not.

  • Well that was the kind of  vague answer I was expecting but not wanting to get.

    Thanks for responding anyhow. :)

  • SenseAmidstMad
    SenseAmidstMad Posts: 15 Explorer

    "The SENSE development roadmap is evolving as we take user feedback, market data and our plans into consideration and balance those for a comprehensive set of features to be developed."


    As a user, I am evaluating the lack of fatures, clarity on the direction and constantly comparing your product to others in the market. I am considering actively to invest my money and interest to other products, providing me with satisfcation of use and interest to see what is coming next.


    As we are in 2018, I am expecting my router to be able to segment networks, allow VPN connections (without additional servers) and be able to see what is happening on my network. Therefore, my consideration may be to abandon your products and develop interest to your competitors.


    Thank you for taking the time to read this text.

  • hepa
    hepa Posts: 14 Observer

    I really want to see static IP, guest wifi and stability of performance without need for reboot.

  • hepa
    hepa Posts: 14 Observer

    The Static IP work around is in use since months but it is a bad solution.

    Thanks for the Gues IP update! I had not noticed it!



  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 479 Rock Star

    Yep.Static IP Mapping based on MAC option would be better.It can also be a security flaw i guess,not implemented yet though

  • hemaris
    hemaris Posts: 30 Explorer

    My sense fwwas updated last night to 2018-05-17_01-p1.7.6.54

    I did not notice any obvious changes and have not found changelog

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