Health-Check needs updating!

NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

The free F-Secure tool Health-Check needs serious updating. Supported Internet Explorer versions are 7-9. Who uses those nowadays? XP users can't run versions later than 8, but all other users are probably using version 10 or 11.


Also the Health-Check is built with Java, which does not add up to F-Secures recommendation about Java:
"Because of all Java’s in-the-browser security issues, F-Secure recommends disabling it completely." from this new F-Secure News Article


Personally I don't have a JRE(Java Runtime Environment) so Health-Check is the only F-Secure tool I can't use. Only last month, in the latest security patch for Java there were 50 security vulnerabilities related to java in browsers that were remotely exploitable without authentication, including sandboxed Java Applets and sandboxed Java Web Start applications Smiley Frustrated


As the only supported platforms for Healt-Check are Windows platforms, why does the Health-Check need to be in Java, isn't a standard windows version like the Online-Scanner to be preferred over Java by a security company like F-Secure?


  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    This months Java patches includes 34 “remotely exploitable without authentication”, and several of them are rated in the top of the vulnerability scale. 


    BTW, does anyone else at F-Secure besides CM's read this board? 

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