Static Routing Capability

Dear Sense Team,


When (hopefully) will Sense be able to handle static routing tables?


Cheers, Peter


  • Thanks for your feedback, it helps us prioritize future features and network configuration options.

    I don't have a specific timeframe to give you, but this feature is on our backlog.


    Best Regards:

    Simo / SENSE QA Lead


  • AragonMaverick
    AragonMaverick Posts: 9 Observer
    Hi Simo,
    Thanks for the quick feedback.
    Let’s hope the backlog gets cleared quickly 😉

  • AtsoLaahkanen
    AtsoLaahkanen Posts: 1 New Member

    Also buyed Sense, and THINKED that there will be routing cababilities, but no. --> Sense back to box and wait for better days to come. Also really hope that there will be at least static routing.

  • If you connected sense to internet and powered it ON, your subscription has started running.

    You can actually static route from sense to other networks but devices from sense cannot access devices on sense subnet. I realized this from the diag.log files which so the automatically generated static routes.


  • And yeah also, I think this should be a priority since many use Sense as secondary router so they would like to access sense subnet from wan router.

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