Why SENSE does not recognize all device names?

Rider Posts: 17 Explorer





It seems that SENSE can recognize only the names of Windows computers, IPhone, my HP printer and Buffalo NAS. But it can not recognize names of Windows phone, Android phones, Philips TV, nor the Sony Blue-ray player. Why is that? It's a bit frustrating...






  • I would throw a guess that thw regonizing is still in development as is the whole sense platform so it will get better in the future.

    I also noticed that the device identify is not on by default and the devices get identified when they first connect to sense. Not sure if they change the name to the identified one before dhcp lease ends. (F-Secure comment needed)

  • Hi Rider,


    Thanks for your feedback. I have passed it to the SENSE team and they are checking on this further.


    For Windows phone, it should be detected as 'phone'.


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