SENSE Router Subscription for TOTAL package apps
From online info:
"SENSE Router subscriptions
F-Secure SENSE Router comes with the F-Secure TOTAL package that includes F-Secure SAFE, F-Secure FREEDOME VPN and the F-Secure ID PROTECTION password manager." 🤔
However, the SENSE dashboard on Windows 10 does NOT include these extra 3 tools. When I try to install F-Secure ID Protection for example, I have to sign up for the free trial which expires and then I am asked to buy a subscription to continue using it on my PC
So, either the Subscription Licence model for SENSE Router owners is not working or I am missing some trick to allow me to install these Apps with the SENSE Subscription.
What do I need to do ?
Accepted Answer
Hey @BryanA ,
From what I can read on this KB article page:
F-Secure SENSE Router comes with the F-Secure TOTAL package that includes F-Secure SAFE, F-Secure FREEDOME VPN and the F-Secure ID PROTECTION password manager.
So to sum it up: when you purchase F-Secure SENSE Router (unit, hardware) it will come with a subscription package called F-Secure TOTAL.
The SENSE app for Windows comes bundled with the SENSE router and is not available standalone. To get the SENSE app for Windows, connect your Windows PC to the SENSE router, navigate your web browser to http://sense.router and follow the instructions. Let's say that SENSE has a built-in app available for Windows computers called F-Secure SENSE that you can install, however, it's obviously not needed in your case as you are opting for a TOTAL package.
Please do contact our customer support, provide them with all the necessary credentials such as reference number of your purchase and your My F-Secure account email address and they will handle that for you.
Hi @BryanA
F-Secure TOTAL full subscription comprise of SAFE, Freedome VPN, ID Protection and SENSE router. A customer can buy each of these products as standalone, or TOTAL excluding SENSE, or TOTAL with the SENSE. Some users do not want to merge their SENSE router with their TOTAL subscription because SENSE protection is still not being charged so SENSE protection can still remain active even while TOTAL subscription has expired.
SENSE subscription is still free until foreseeable future when it is not merged with your TOTAL subscription but if merged, consider the TOTAL validity as that of SENSE and you will be able to view your SENSE as part of your package if you login to your My F-Secure portal. Therefore, if your TOTAL subscription has not been merged with your SENSE router, your TOTAL subscription might be due for renewal.
If you read further on that KB Article, you will discover that the SENSE app will only reveal your the SENSE subscription validity and nothing about the other products but you can access the rest from the My F-Secure portal.
Hi @Jaims
From the KB Article it says:
"F-Secure SENSE Router comes with the F-Secure TOTAL package that includes F-Secure SAFE, F-Secure FREEDOME VPN and the F-Secure ID PROTECTION password manager.
If you have already bought a SENSE Router subscription before it was part of TOTAL, we are happy to inform you that we will renew your SENSE Router subscription for free after the first year, and it will remain free for the foreseeable future. We will notify you well in advance if this changes."
Thus my question remains, since I bought my Sense router before it was part of TOTAL I read the above as meaning that TOTAL package software is included for free with my SENSE router subscription. If that is not the case, then I submit that the information written is misleading or inaccurate or false.
So, how can I install the TOTAL package (FREE) software on my devices as covered by my SENSE router subscription ?
Hey @BryanA !
However, the SENSE dashboard on Windows 10 does NOT include these extra 3 tools.
Do you perhaps mean that you've installed F-Secure SENSE program on your Windows 10 device?
You can install F-Secure SENSE for Windows, if you have a stand-alone purchase of F-Secure SENSE.
If you have F-Secure TOTAL and have installed F-Secure SAFE and F-Secure FREEDOME VPN, there is no need to separately install SENSE on your computer. You can only have one virus-protection program on your PC, so to install F-Secure SENSE on Windows, you would need to uninstall F-Secure SAFE. F-Secure SENSE for Windows/Mac is an antivirus solution that comes with a standalone purchase of SENSE. SENSE app for mobile devices is an app to manage your SENSE router. You cannot manage SENSE router from your Windows computer.
We have combined F-Secure TOTAL and F-Secure SENSE subscription for a total home protection.
If you have an expiring F-Secure SAFE, we will change your account to F-Secure TOTAL and give you 6 months additional free time. If you already have F-Secure TOTAL, we will just add 6 months free time. This way your F-Secure SENSE will be valid along with your My F-Secure account. If you plan to stop your purchase and no longer renew F-Secure TOTAL, your F-Secure SENSE purchase will also deactivate. That this is valid only for F-Secure TOTAL, if you downgrade to F-Secure SAFE, your SENSE will deactivate.
When contacting F-Secure customer support about that, please give your F-Secure SENSE's device ID that can be found behind the box. This way we can verify your purchase.
Thanks for the quick reply
I bought the SENSE router several years ago, before the TOTAL package existed I believe.
Thus the SENSE Router subscription is part of the router (and on iPhone App)
Yes, I've installed F-Secure SENSE program on my Windows 10 device - Currently at Version 17.9
But that program only includes 4.40.3267.0/SAFE
Not any of the other tools included with the TOTAL package.
It's just that the KB Article says all the TOTAL package should be included with the SENSE subscription