F-Secure Sense and freedome

backaxel Posts: 4 New Member



Would anybody know what the latest is on the freedome package being installed on the Sense router?


At the launch of the Sense packages it was touted that it was in the pipeline and to come, but still not available and no sign of it.  Whats the latest official story?  Is it still in the pipeline or was it always a dead duck?




  • D-Fens2
    D-Fens2 Posts: 78 Enthusiast

    I am also waiting since launch for this feature.


    And what about the event logs that don't work? I already sent e-mail with logs.


  • backaxel
    backaxel Posts: 4 New Member

    Hi Sethu,


    As an initial adopter and early supporter/buyer of the Sense package, my subscription is free, so how do i go about getting the Total premium cyber security package?  Would I loose my free Sense subscription?

  • MJO
    MJO Posts: 52 Active Engager

    If you buy Total Security package then contact them on chat and they can connect your Sense to that subscription. If you do that then your Sense protection will be valid as long as you have Total Protection subscription. So you would lose the free license.


    But, you could always use the F-Secure Total without connecting the license to Sense and enjoy the benefits of both :)


    I asked them about that on chat few weeks ago and if i remember correctly Sense protection is free until end of 2020 unless they announce something different.



  • backaxel
    backaxel Posts: 4 New Member

    Thanks for the reply, I dont see the point in giving up the free protection for the Total package just yet.


    The email I received from F-Secure regarding the Sense subsciption said that it would be free with no end date.

  • Hello @backaxel 


    You can find more information about Sense subscription here and have a look of this article to know more about how to link the existing Sense package with My F-secure account for TOTAL package.


    Hello @MJO Thank you for sharing useful information.

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