Fsecure Sense rooter prevents sign up of Norton securtiy.
this is my first post in English.
Please excuse my poor English.
I use Fseure sense package for LAN in my house.because I want to protect TV or Raspberry PI and so on from malware or cracking .
I think that using different Anti virus for gateway and edge machine,increase security.
And then, I use Norton Security With windows 10 Laptop machine. I find that I can't sign up into Norton.
To resolve this problem,I Checked Rooter' function.When 'Tracking ' function disabled,I Can sign up.
I think that if Fsecure allows traffic of Norton,i can sign up with 'traffic ' enabled.
Please tell me how to solve this problem.
Thank you.
Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
In general, if certain page is not accessible - should be possible to use F-Secure SAS:
And to transfer Norton's URL to F-Secure Labs. Maybe noted "tracking"-option is something as F-Secure Freedome VPN used.
But just because your experience is about F-Secure SENSE - possible to try:
-> read some topics under F-Secure SENSE Community board:
there was a discussion about related troubles (false positive detection for domains based on tracking or browsing protections).
also, possible to discuss ability to whitelist/overwrite certain pages or domains.
-> to contact official F-Secure Support Channel (chat as example):
and to explain situation with certain example. Since maybe 'internal' changes are expected there.
F-Secure SENSE router should be with abilities to generate support logs which can be useful further.
I am not sure, but should be possible to use your own local F-Secure website (my URLs were about home_global as common page for any location; but F-Secure with own local pages/websites too).
Where, likely, chat with ability to use local language.
https://www.f-secure.com should redirect you to your local website (based on IP). Otherwise, possible to manually locate it (to change language/location on website) and then to switch on the Support chat form
If your trouble is pinned to "Tracking blocking/protection" functionality
Based on this topic:
And some discussions:
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SENSE/Tracking-blocking-that-is/m-p/98639
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SENSE/Website-chat-blocked-with-Sense/m-p/101118
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SENSE/Ghostery-blocked/m-p/96773
maybe workaround is not available. With exception: possible to doublecheck if your main SENSE Application (Android or iOS device) with ability to whitelist/allow certain domain or blocked item.
OR if URL is known - to transfer it to F-Secure SAS/Labs (as suggested with my previous reply):
Otherwise, maybe F-Secure SENSE users with abilities to suggest something else.
Thank you,ukko.
Your advise is the answer!!
I can sign up by adding White list.
In japanese Sense Application ,theirs is a menu titled "Exception of Website(off course ,Written in Japanese) ".And this is a "White List" for WWW.
I add a "symantec.com" .
Then I can sign up.
Probably Norton Security application uses "http" for communicate with their server.
I don't think that this menu effects to application.
Thank you for your advise and kindness!!