Password changed-date info
Hi, it would be good to have the password changed-date information available at the ID Protection (Salasanaholvi in Finnish at F-Secure Total product). This helps to maintain fresh enough passwords. A possibility to sort records in ID Protection by the age of the password could be handy. Remainder/notification of old…
#Tool for Conflicting security programs
A tool for troubleshooting and removing conflicting security programs on Windows/Mac operating systems in order to install F-Secure Total(could be integrated to Total as well)
Extra security report
For mobile device (additional security report) that would review the installed mobile device apps and the permissions granted to them and observations/recommendations for their excessive "generosity" and suggestions for tightening
Browsing Protection to display only negative notifications
The Browsing Protection pop-up notification at the bottom right-hand corner of a browser tab is distracting, especially when it only tells me that the "shopping" website (such as logging into a news website) is highly trusted. Users do not need to be told that stuff is safe. Users need to be told when stuff is not safe.…
Allow to disable the green border while banking protection is still kept on
The green border gets to peoples nerves, so please create some kind of advanced setting to allow to disable it while still allowing banking protection to be kept on.
VPN usability
Hi, I assume that you are aware of the VPN service's problems regarding the trouble-free operation of the internet connection. Today, in the Chat conversation with your support, I gained a new understanding in this regard. If the problems with the VPN service (or some of them) are related to the protocol used, then I…
Feature Request: User Consent Before Activating Banking Protection - HUMAN CONTROL
Dear F-Secure Team, I recently encountered a critical issue with the Banking Protection feature that I believe requires immediate attention. While attempting to pay my hospital bill, the Banking Protection activated automatically, interrupting the payment process without any prior warning or consent. This behavior left me…
Are there any plans to implement an extension for firefox on android?
I have been using Firefox on android for some time, and I would like to have the possibility of adding the security from F secure to this browser. An ETA would also be nice.
Support for Chrome OS
I know F-Secure currently does not support Chrome OS. I urge you to implement support for Chrome OS as soon. Most of your competitors support Chrome OS. Currently I subscribe to 10 licences of F-Secure total. It would be a dealbreaker for me if you fail to implement support for Chrome OS fairly soon (within a few months).…
Clear notice
Could you put a CLEAR notice on the community's homepage in English and Finnish about the VPN situation and general instructions on workarounds for the latest browsers and product updates? New members seem to be asking for advice that has already been told in many articles, thank you.
Add a new function-customized bank protection list
We often find that some bank URLs are not warned by FSecure as bank protection and do not interrupt other connections. In addition to the time-consuming waiting process of submitting F-Secure analysis, it is recommended that users first add and define a list of bank protected URLs so that they can receive immediate…
Basic settings for power users
Hello, I had already reported that deactivating F-Secure activates Windows/Microsoft Defender and received an answer (thank you for that). I can't really understand the argument that deactivating F-Secure activates Windows/Microsoft Defender as basic protection. One reason for choosing F-Secure is that as a customer I get…
Password Manager browser extension UX/UI
I am using the Password Manager for a few years and there are a few things I would suggest to be improved/added - minor in terms of technical development, but major in terms of experience, which may be considered in future upgrades: Larger or automatically resizable popup containing the stored credentials on a website. The…
Exclude SMB (or other services) from the VPN
Because I need to access externally via SMB, I cannot do this while F-Secure VPN is on. Unfortunately, I can't just exclude it like that. Therefore, it would be cool if you could exclude ports or domains from the VPN, or alternatively, instead of "exclude apps", you could set it to "only these apps", as I only need this…
Product update delay feature
A feature(setting option) where the customer receives a notification and release information about the upcoming product update and can delay its installation on their device(s) if they wish.Dynamic engine/database and security cloud services remain untouched
File shredder
Hi I think f-secure total should have an addition of integrated file shredder in future versions . F-secure licenses are pricier than some and I think a total security suite isn’t complete without one as I still use it.
Enable larger text size for passwords
Hello :) Is there any way to view the passwords in Password Vault in a larger text size? I'm on a higher resolution notebook screen, so it's a bit harder to see them without possibly copying and pasting them into Word to enlarge them. Am I missing another way to go about it? With 1Password, they have that option with the…
Banking Protection Override
Hi F-secure banking protection needs manual override as with some banking sites that i use the banking protection green window does not activate.
encrypted vault backup/restore
Add an encrypted vault backup/restore option to id-protection, eg. password/pin code protected
Selective Ad Blocker
I have an interesting and annoying problem. Just ONE site I often use (AllMusic.com) keeps blocking me and says 'turn off ad blocker'. Currently there is no way to allow an exception to the ad blocker. Perhaps this could be added to the suggestions 'box'. Kind regards Martin
Additional Features to Installation program
Additional features to the F-Secure installation program include the detection, guidance and possible removal of conflicting programs.
Better Control and Monitoring on Scheduled/Manual Scans
Hello, currently (2024-08-23, F-Secure 19.5), the Scanning Results are scattered between Pop-Up Windows, HTML Reports and the main App. Reality: On bigger/modern systems (>50GB HDD/SSD) instead of scanning for days (total disk usage across 3 SSDs: 4TB) and potentially failing/freezing. Any chance of better control on the…
Warn and select safety before authorization on the web page so that subsequent authorization succeed
Is it possible to warn before authorizing the web page and select safety so that subsequent authorization can succeed? It often happens that transaction authorization fails after web page verification but credit card swiping is successful.
add a vpn location of india
I request to add india vpn location into f-secure total app,meanwhile,I wonder when india server will be added?
Hope to add operational functions :mobile phone can be guided to enter the renewal code
Some people reported that the mobile phone is convenient to operate, but they cannot obtain the renewal function through APP redirection.
ARM Support
Currently Freedome cannot be run on Snapdragon based laptops as ARM processors are not supported. Having a VPN working for business users is very important. Please implement a support for Windows for ARM.
category change
Add an option for the community user to change the category of discussion afterwards
uninstall/reinstall the licenced product
please add uninstalling and reinstalling the licenced product option to the product support function without the need to release/add the device licence to my.f-secure.com
One way comminucation channel
Establish a one-way communication channel clearly visible to community users
Mark ID breaches as "read"
I am new to F-Secure (and very happy with the product!), and the software detected some ID breaches. The suggested steps in the individual breach have been made, and i miss the possibility to mark the breach as "read", "finished", or similar.