Option of signing in with pincode instead of master password
-Option of signing in with pincode(4 to 8 characters) instead/together of master password -Option to backup of KeyEntries encrypted with a pincode
Option to change sense-admin device(IOS,android)
Option to change sense-admin device(new pairing),asap
Status of network interface in use
Online Status view of the network interface in use(Wifi/Mobile/Eth...)
My F-Secure UI improvement
Hi I really would like to have an update to the My F-Secure web UI. First: The carousel UI is very bad to use in mobile phones. No need for such fancy carousel. A simpler UI would be faster, cleaner, easier and more scalable for small and large screens. Second: The Application list in the App control tab of the person's…
Exception in F-secure Freedome on mobile phones (VPN)
Is it possible to introduce an exception in F-secure Freedome on mobile phones? We want the following domains not to be routed through the VPN server. Because the link throughput is underestimated during tests performed using VPN for example: Speedtest.pl
Indication for 2FA secured passwords
Proposal would be to have a checkbox or another hint expressing that this entry has an additional 2 Factor Authentication. Details about the 2FA used e.g. Hardware Token, Authenticator app or SMS... very welcome...
Usage time per device and child
I think one of the most common problems that today's parents face is that their children can spend too much time in front of the screens. Sometimes the child has several devices with screens, such as both a mobile phone and a computer. When the child is not allowed to use one of them any longer the child just goes to the…
Status view of the attached devices and more....
-Status view of the attached devices(Key premium) -Encrypted local Backup of Key entries (pin code) -Automagic update process on all Platforms ,even with minor releases
macOS status bar icon shouldn't use color when it's operating normally
In macOS status bar, colors other than black are used to highlight and catch user's attention. Currently, F-Secure Workstation Security for Mac always uses colors in the icon, which makes you think something is wrong with it: Please use black icon, when situation is normal, as other apps do. That way you can also catch the…
F Secure Freedome Adblocking
Would be nice to have a built in Adblocker in Freedome like for example Cyberghost VPN has.
Banking Protection
In the UK we are now able to access and modify information relating to Tax, Tax Codes and other very sensitive information. This needs to be every bit as secure as online banking and, relating to identity theft, even more important. Would it not be possible to configure the Banking Protection to activate when accessing the…
Add a file to quarantine manual
Hi I'm new to F secure Please add a feature to add a file to quarantine manual (Just like other AV s) By right click or from the tools > Quarantine It is really necessary for F secure as a big company to have this basic feature Thank you
Freedome: Auto-On Feature
Missing an Auto-On Feature: As soon as connecting to a public wifi (Café, Airport,Train station, etc.) Freedome turns on automatically and secures my connection. If Freedome can't connect and secure my connection in public wifi, there should be some kind of notice to let me know that Freedome is not on. Freedome could also…
QR Code Reader Integration
Looking for a safe way to scan and open QR Codes. A QR Code Scanner integration into F Secure Safe (for mobile devices) would be a great feature!
F-Secure AdBlocker for all major browsers
Release the F-Secure AdBlocker for all major browsers (iOS, Android, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome) as a standalone product.
Suggestions for Anti-Virus improvements
Suggestions for Anti-Virus improvements: 1. Add password protection for changing the settings. 2. Enable import and export of settings. 3. Allow adding of multiple file objects to exclude at a time, instead of requiring so many clicks to select each excluded object individually (could use tree checkboxes to accommodate…
Some suggestions
Hello I have some suggestions for Freedome the menu of the task bar icon should show the state of the tracking and browsing protection (ON/OFF) because sometimes it is necessary to switch one of those off to show a website properly The "Check for Update" bar is not working There is no replay like "No update available" or…
F-secure Key,encrypted backup of key entries to local resource
Any chance to get a feature of (encrypted )backing up all key entries to local resource in case of cloud resource disaster
Two Thoughts
1. Add Encryption to SAFE, whole discs, partial discs and usb. 2. Add USB support to F-Secure KEY so it can be started from an USB. (Would be good to have a USB with the passwords handy)
Fingerprint/Face recognition unlock
Is there in the roadmap of the F-Key unlocking the Windows Client with computer's fingerprint or IR-camera facial recognition? Could be more useful (and safer) to use biometric unlock than basic master password.
Universal Windows Platform Apps
Hey developers! Would love to see more of your products & tools to be available for the whole Windows device family = Universal Windows Platform App. I am still missing some of your great tools on my Windows Tablet (x64) and Windows Mobile devices: - F-Secure AdBlocker (as an AddOn for Edge?) - F-Secure Key (as an AddOn…
Harmful sites log
Hi I'd like to request a feature to be added, so that any harmful sites can be logged, and exported. This would help in suitations when there is malware, especially when this count increases when web browsers aren't open. Freedome Beta 1.3.2910.0 Thanks Adam
Landscape mode for tablets
All f-secure products I have used so far (Freedome and Key) only support portrait mode at Android tablets which can be very anoying. Landscape mode would make the usage a lot easier and more enjoyable.
Freedome access local devices on broader netmask
So, while Freedome allows me to access resources on my *local* network (in my case a /24 in the 192.168.x.x range), using Freedome in my environment is difficult, since I typically need to access resources in a much broader subnet. For instance, assuming that my local network was, Freedome allows me to…
Safe Internet Security screen are very hard to read on these new ultra high resolution screens
I have F-Secure Safe Internet Security on 9 PCs ranging from Win 7 to Win 10 and am for the most part happy with this product. One of these PCs is a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro which has a 13.3 inch screen with a resolution of 3200 x 1800. Many apps are re-sizable and enlarge items in the screen as you make the window larger. The…
home protection product for Linux
i believe lot of f-secure home users use linux as their primary/secondary OS. linux is not immune anymore, please make a new security product for linux platform with home user oriented. your product don't have to be compatible for all linux distro, just pick up some well known distro e.g fedora, opensuse and ubuntu. thank…
Connection control: possibility on client to select if feature is enabled/disabled on client
Policy manager 12.00 + Client Security Premium 12.00: Policy manager has setting to "enable"/"disable" and "lock" feature named "Connection control" for client. In case settings is set to f.ex "enabled" and "not locked" on PM, there is no possibility for user to disable this setting on client side. I think it would be good…
Freedome Global Vpn-servers:status/healthy view for customers with valid subscription
According Idea Subject,possibility to have a status/healthy view of the Global(all) F-secure vpn-servers(virtual location) for customers with valid subscription would be a nice feature.
Adapt User Interface of F-Secure IS to the one of Clean-Up Tool or Freedom
Hi developers, I've alawys struggled with the UI and design of the Internet Security windows. But since I've been using F-Secure IS I always was satisfied with the level of protection, CPU and memory load and the overall the convenience of your products. But,I like the new design (themes) of the UI of your Clean-Up Tool or…
F-Secure Subscription Packages
i notice new stuff being added to your website, but to be honest you should have like 3 packages. because to have all your products for a year is very expensive maybe you should follow other company's and packaging products together. F-Secure Pro Includes: F-Secure 50GB Cloud Storage F-Secure Internet Security F-Secure…