Suggestions for Anti-Virus improvements
Suggestions for Anti-Virus improvements: 1. Add password protection for changing the settings. 2. Enable import and export of settings. 3. Allow adding of multiple file objects to exclude at a time, instead of requiring so many clicks to select each excluded object individually (could use tree checkboxes to accommodate…
Some suggestions
Hello I have some suggestions for Freedome the menu of the task bar icon should show the state of the tracking and browsing protection (ON/OFF) because sometimes it is necessary to switch one of those off to show a website properly The "Check for Update" bar is not working There is no replay like "No update available" or…
F-secure Key,encrypted backup of key entries to local resource
Any chance to get a feature of (encrypted )backing up all key entries to local resource in case of cloud resource disaster
Two Thoughts
1. Add Encryption to SAFE, whole discs, partial discs and usb. 2. Add USB support to F-Secure KEY so it can be started from an USB. (Would be good to have a USB with the passwords handy)
Fingerprint/Face recognition unlock
Is there in the roadmap of the F-Key unlocking the Windows Client with computer's fingerprint or IR-camera facial recognition? Could be more useful (and safer) to use biometric unlock than basic master password.
Universal Windows Platform Apps
Hey developers! Would love to see more of your products & tools to be available for the whole Windows device family = Universal Windows Platform App. I am still missing some of your great tools on my Windows Tablet (x64) and Windows Mobile devices: - F-Secure AdBlocker (as an AddOn for Edge?) - F-Secure Key (as an AddOn…
Harmful sites log
Hi I'd like to request a feature to be added, so that any harmful sites can be logged, and exported. This would help in suitations when there is malware, especially when this count increases when web browsers aren't open. Freedome Beta 1.3.2910.0 Thanks Adam
Landscape mode for tablets
All f-secure products I have used so far (Freedome and Key) only support portrait mode at Android tablets which can be very anoying. Landscape mode would make the usage a lot easier and more enjoyable.
Freedome access local devices on broader netmask
So, while Freedome allows me to access resources on my *local* network (in my case a /24 in the 192.168.x.x range), using Freedome in my environment is difficult, since I typically need to access resources in a much broader subnet. For instance, assuming that my local network was, Freedome allows me to…
Safe Internet Security screen are very hard to read on these new ultra high resolution screens
I have F-Secure Safe Internet Security on 9 PCs ranging from Win 7 to Win 10 and am for the most part happy with this product. One of these PCs is a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro which has a 13.3 inch screen with a resolution of 3200 x 1800. Many apps are re-sizable and enlarge items in the screen as you make the window larger. The…
home protection product for Linux
i believe lot of f-secure home users use linux as their primary/secondary OS. linux is not immune anymore, please make a new security product for linux platform with home user oriented. your product don't have to be compatible for all linux distro, just pick up some well known distro e.g fedora, opensuse and ubuntu. thank…
Connection control: possibility on client to select if feature is enabled/disabled on client
Policy manager 12.00 + Client Security Premium 12.00: Policy manager has setting to "enable"/"disable" and "lock" feature named "Connection control" for client. In case settings is set to f.ex "enabled" and "not locked" on PM, there is no possibility for user to disable this setting on client side. I think it would be good…
Freedome Global Vpn-servers:status/healthy view for customers with valid subscription
According Idea Subject,possibility to have a status/healthy view of the Global(all) F-secure vpn-servers(virtual location) for customers with valid subscription would be a nice feature.
Adapt User Interface of F-Secure IS to the one of Clean-Up Tool or Freedom
Hi developers, I've alawys struggled with the UI and design of the Internet Security windows. But since I've been using F-Secure IS I always was satisfied with the level of protection, CPU and memory load and the overall the convenience of your products. But,I like the new design (themes) of the UI of your Clean-Up Tool or…
F-Secure Subscription Packages
i notice new stuff being added to your website, but to be honest you should have like 3 packages. because to have all your products for a year is very expensive maybe you should follow other company's and packaging products together. F-Secure Pro Includes: F-Secure 50GB Cloud Storage F-Secure Internet Security F-Secure…
Einsenden von suspekten Dateien
Der Quarantänebereich sollte eine Möglichkeit bekommen suspekte Dateien direkt an F-Secure zu versenden. Viele Antivirensoftwarehersteller bieten diese Möglichkeit an. Ich finde das es auch am einfachsten ist. Einfach Datei in der Quarantäne anwählen und mit einem Button "Datei einsenden" direkt an F-Secure senden.
Warnhinweis für Neustart
Hi -Wenn ein Neustart des Computers nach einem Update nötig wird sollte der Hinweis alle zwei Minuten bis zum Neustart des Computers angezeigt werden. Das kann nützlich sein wenn man gerade nicht vor dem Computer sitzt und der Neustart wird erforderlich. -Im Statusbereich wird das Desktopbild angezeigt. Es wäre super wenn…
It would be fine, if you integrade an anti-adwardsoftware and so on into the internet security 2015. I must use a freeware for this (and it happes fast to get an adward and so on!). I will not buy software of this kind of comecial!
SAFE for Android - Suggestion for Updates and Automatic Updates Page
The Automatic Updates option in the Android SAFE application has three options: - My own operator only - All operators - Never I'm guessing that this relates to mobile phone operators or MVNOs but that's a guess on my part, so I'm interested to know if my assumption is right and if so what the implication is (i.e. is it to…
iOS 8 Safari extension
Any plans on this?
More user depended options
Hi, I would like more user depended options in F Secure. Settings and in general behavior. I want to decide when something is found what to do in real time scanning and for example in Email Protection. And scanning is a bit buggy at the moment. It often abort scans when use the option to scan compressed archives. CPU is…
Feature suggestion
Hi, i am really liking the protection features of Freedome but sometimes feel it is too simplistic and not transparent enough. Whilst i appreciate it comes across as ideal for novices, an advanced mode would be great, with better visibility on what is going on in the background of the existing features. A feature i'd like…
Auto-fill Credit cards
Please make it possbile to auto-fill credt card information. Card number, expireing date and name etc.
KEY: stronger indication if you have successfully copied username or password on iOS
Please make it more visually clear or stronger indicated if you have successfully copied the username and or password from KEY on iOS. I find myself going back and forth, because i clicked on copy, but either I'm clumsy or back at pressing precisely. Perhaps it could change colour or hue slightly. Or perhaps it could…
Mobile security, child lock and application categories
Android phone (samsung galaxy trend) Mobile security and the child lock application -> 1. Games should be in own folders, when you block game application you have to disable only in one place! 2. When you allow game application it should ask you -> if you want to allow this application one time or always! 3. games and…
Linux support for Key
Would it be possible to have Linux support for Key? I have found that using Key and Linux is quite hard. At first I open the page I'd like to login, then I dig my phone from a pocket, open Key and get the password, then type it to the keyboard while hoping to not make any typos. It is definitely a complicated process. Do…
Remote Desktop attacks need to be protected
This is the most security concern, Sophos indicates that there are many attacks on Remote Desktop. F-Secure need to guard and protect such attacks. Using own Windows Integrated Firewall is not enough to protect such attacks.
Current Status info in f-secure main interface
In the current status info it will be shown what F-secure is doing currently. It will tell that F-secure is doing updating, scheduled scanning, background scanning etc. For now f-secure doesn't tells clearly that it updating. It definitely doesn't tell that its doing scheduled scan.
Update suggestion for most used applications and capability to download and update it automatically
We know that venerability of software's and plugins are used to gain unauthorized access to computer. So its reasonable to detect old software's and suggest user to update it. If possible to download and install automatically new update for software's. Constantly updating software's like firefox, chrome, java runtime,…
Old Firewall System
Hello, as a loyal defender fot his idea, i ask today to have an " Advanced User" firewall system option. The old popup to warn you when a program attempt to connect to the internet is really important for me, as sometimes some well known programs can share some unwanted informations. I'm personally concerned on my network…