Protected connection
Hi, I just wanted to suggest that if you could only show the green boarder on the display where the browser is open. For people with multiple monitors. Thanks.
F-Secure Total feature request
Hi! While in general I love the recently updated new Total - its in a way convenient to have everything in one app - the single app for everything has made certain tasks more time consuming. Therefore I'd ask you to consider the following features in the next update: 1) while right clicking on the "F" symbol on lower right…
[Parental Control, Android] give more information about apps in App Control list.
Hello, There is "App Control" feature in Family Rules on Android platform (mentioned there: Editing App Control settings | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides) -- design Now: we can control apps and manage like allow or deny; whether daily limits apply or not; but we can't see what kind of app it really is. Category or…
Real-time usage statistics of time limits / child's restrictions. Visible on parent's devices.
Hello, There is a reference to another feature request with related subject: Parent Control Statistics — F-Secure Community I am pretty sure there were other similar requests. But I didn't find them (after a quick check). My Feature Request: -- design Now: we may limit daily use, but adults cannot remotely monitor or see…
Alternative limits on device screen usage. As an addition to the daily use limits and bedtime.
Hello, there is a reference to a feature request about related subject: Limt use for children / parent control — F-Secure Community At least, one. But perhaps more has been suggested. I, sadly, after a quick look - did not see them. My Feature Request. -- design Now: we can set daily usage limits (say eight hours); we can…
VPN location flag
MacBook:n menuun F -logon viereen VPN serverimaan lippu! #kehitysehdotus Flag of the VPN server country in the MacBook menu next to the F logo! #development proposal
informative messages for "Stand Alone" id-protection
Add informative messages to installed id-protection without any synced partner Add encrypted backup/restore option for Stand-Alone id-protection Vault
Disable battery optimization on mobile app
Instead of a persistent notification, the F-Secure Mobile app should turn off battery optimization on Android. As I know other apps do this, for example, via a pop-up. This also helps the app to run smoothly. Example at Nextcloud if you want to activate automatic uploading:
Optimize scan on smartphone (& PC)
The FS protection app starts a full scan every time it is recharged. It would be nice if this happens only 1x a day or there is an option how often a scan takes place. For example, the options "daily & weekly" would be quite good, and perhaps with the addition that it then also only takes place when the smartphone is…
Horizontal view
I have an android tablet with F-secure Total. Total and its password vaultt forces portrait view even if I have landscape chosen as default. Further it is sometimes impossible to turn hardware. Thus usability is next to nothing. Please do something...
Freedome F-secure VPN affiliate Programme
Dear Support, I would like you suggest you to have an affiliate programme for your your old users so that they can earn some penny from their recommendation to your products. That can boost your products and service much better in public. Giving some penny away doesn't really mean you lose your profit but it can increase…
Passwortmanageräre schön wenn man die Felder im Passwortmanager editieren bzw. weitere Felder hinzufügen könnte. Ebenso wie Dateianhänge
Few fixes and features of old apps would be nice.
This discussion was created from comments split from: Feedback on new F-Secure App in Windows.
Banking protections
I would suggest that you enable exclusion for certain websites. For example exclude Binance . Now you can only turn on or of
Pin to top for ID Protection vault
Pin to top for ID Protection vault would be handy to find frequently used items quickly.
Linux support for FREEDOME
Android devices have to be rooted to be able to configure VPN forwarding to access points. Are there even any plans to have Linux support?
The People of Iran need you now... #MahsaAmini
Implement new my.f-secure.com portal for Home Products
"the tolerable lightness of purchasing " and fluent product licencing and managing is somewhat poor in present one...
Introduce "File Vault" as a new feature for Windows PC
Please forward this idea to the concerned team and app developers. Please introduce 256 bit encrypted "File vault" feature which enables users to store files in an encrypted vault. This feature was popular few years back but now a days its discontinued by many AV companies. This feature might come in handy and useful for…
F Secure Safe Mobile Antivirus for android 12
Provide the following features in F Secure Safe app for Android 12:- 1. Show the app names which are scanning and show directories of files and apps when scanning. 2. Also scan all the apps including system apps as well. I am pretty sure it does not scan all the apps over my mobile device. 3. Make sure app scans all the…
F Secure Safe for Windows 11
Provide the following features in F Secure Safe app for Windows 11 :- 1. Provide an option for manually adding files to the qurantine by the user. Such a feature comes in handy when dealing with a file is malicious and not detected by F Secure Safe. 2. Provide Keylogger protection for typing over Google Chrome, MS Edge,…
Monitoring warnings should become removable
I received a warning about a possible data leak dating from 2016. Since then (and today again) I changed my password, but the warning, now irrelevant, keeps popping up. According to the employe I chatted to it is impossible to remove warnings - which should become possible. Irrelevant warnings are no warnings anymore.
Feedback and Ideas for new features
F Secure Safe should have exploit protection features which protects from exploit attacks and anti keylogging tools which scrambles the data when entered into its supported browsers like Google Chrome, MS Edge, Mozilla Firefox. Which provides additional banking protection. As the current banking protection is not…
REQUEST: UI development, Grouping of Vault objects / Sorting & Tagging
I have over 300 objects in my Vault. For the life of me I can't always remember what it was I was looking for and even though the search helps with finding, it's useless if I can't figure out what it was I was looking for. Grouping (folders for instance) objects, or at least being able to tag them, would be helpful in that…
Payment via cryptocurrency
Hello Please allow cryptocurrency payments (especially for VPN purchases). This is really a need.
FREEDOME: Individual online traffic permissions per app
Hello, (first of all: I couldn't find a practical search option here, so please excuse potential double posting if this has already been proposed before. If so, maybe a moderator can add my posting to an already existing thread.) I am using FREEDOME on my PC as well as on my mobile. But on the latter, I will keep FD…
Device overview in F-Secure SAFE Mobile Antivirus
If you use the Mobile APP F-Secure SAFE Mobile Antivirus as an Sub-User you can see all the other Users an devices This behavier is not as mentioned in the Website where you can invite a aditional User to your Account. "Members can not see the devices of other Members" It would be best if you can see in the App only your…
Changing the DNS and the server in Southeast Europe for the VPN
I'm a little frustrated that using a VPN doesn't give me the option to use DNS-level ad and tracker blocking. Could you add a feature to change the DNS to a custom one in the settings? I would also like to ask to add a server in Southeast Europe, ideally in Bulgaria or Albania, the server in Prague creates lag in ping for…
ID Monitoring : number of mail adresses per people, not per subscription
Hello, I began to use Total for me, then, after a while, for my family ... and friends. I do now have 25 licences, for 9 different people... The ID Monitoring is actually limited to 10 mail adresses... For the subscription, no matter the number of licences, nor the number of people behind ! I wish to show them the utility…
Monitor addition: find breached pwd from vault
Current monitor finds breached data nicely but it wont tell what service got breached. Okay that may be unavailable but in vault the search could search passwords too so the changing would be easier. (I dont have time to check 240 services that which one has that breached randomly generated password)